Tryout Information

Select Team Tryout Information & Dates


Next seasons 5th and 6th graders will play in the Grade 5/6 divisions (formerly U12) of the Coastal League. The 7th and 8th graders will play in the Grade 7/8 divisions (formerly U14) of the Coastal League.  In each age group Marshfield Youth Soccer (MYS) places two “select” teams in the most competitive Coastal brackets, and a third team that is often placed into a competitive division.  The balance of teams can also look forward to a great season of challenging soccer in the Coastal Cup division, and we do our best to select these teams to ensure a great player experience for all. You must attend at least one tryout day to be chosen for a select team. While you do not have to attend tryouts to play on a non-select coastal cup team, we welcome any and all players to attend tryouts.

Select Team Requirements (IMPORTANT!)

If your child is chosen to represent one of Marshfield Youth Soccer's Select teams, please keep the following points in mind before your son or daughter accepts the spot on one of these teams.

  • Regular attendance of games and practices are expected during the Marshfield Youth Soccer regular season
  • Practices will be a minimum of one day a week and a maximum of two days a week.
  • Games will be every Saturday and will run for 8-10 consecutive weeks in the Coastal league.
  • In June, after the season ends, there are playoffs and the state championships MTOC. A player's commitment is expected to extend through the entire season including the post season.

We fully understand that children play multiple sports so if your child is unable to make the commitment to the select team but still would like to play soccer we suggest playing with one of the Coastal Cup teams to open a select team space to a committed player. Certainly we do not want to discourage your child from playing soccer with their friends and classmates but remember there are other players who would love to have the chance to play on one of these teams.

Grade 5/6 (U12)
Grade 7/8 (U14)

Tryout Schedule (2024-2026):

Grade 5/6 (Girls)

·        Dates: Tues 6/11 & Tues 6/18

·        Locations: Deftos Fields 3 & 4

·        Girls:  Check-in: 5:30pm, Tryout 5:45pm - 7pm


Grade 5/6​ (Boys)

·        Dates: Tues 6/11 & Tues 6/18

·        Locations: Grace Ryder (Boys)

·        Boys:  Check-in: 6:30pm, Tryout 6:45-8pm


Grade 7/8 (Girls)

·        Dates: Tues 6/11 & Monday 6/17

·        Location: Community Turf

·        Girls:  Check-in: 5:30, 5:45pm - 7pm


Grade 7/8 (Boys)​

·        Dates: Mon 6/10 & Monday 6/17

·        Location: Community Turf

·        Boys:  Check-in: 7pm, Tryout 7:15-8:30


If you have any questions please reach out your MYS Division Director

Grade 5/6 girls, Nick Cabral -

Grade 5/6 boys,

Grade 7/8 girls, Denis Kelleher-

Grade 7/8 boys, Ryan Hastings -


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Marshfield United (MUSC) is a soccer club intended to provide youth soccer players from Marshfield opportunities to learn, play, experience and enjoy soccer. We believe soccer is about values and about community. That being part of Marshfield united means you support everyone, and not just your own child. We view learning through an ecological lens, meaning we value the individual-environment relationship. Therefore, we believe it is imperative that parents, players and coaches value collaboration in order to try and shape the best possible environment possible to support development of relationships on and off the field.